ADSC and ISM jointly republished Dr. Fernando Lizzi’s Static Restoration of Monuments: Basic Criteria-Case Histories - Strengthening of Buildings Damaged by Earthquakes.
This high quality reproduction is true to the original in every graphic detail.
Lizzi is known internationally as the founder of the pali radice (root piles) technology, which has been used since 1952 for the restoration of historical monuments and underpinning of other delicate structures.
He is regarded fondly as the visionary leader of IWM/ISM. His technique of designing and installing three-dimensional reticulated networks of micropiles for stabilization has been used worldwide for stabilization of important structures.
This generously illustrated, 146 page, fundamental classic text describes the use of the technology on numerous historical monuments and structures throughout the world.
The Static Restoration of Monuments is available only through the ADSC’s Technical Library Service. ADSC and ISM member price is $60, non-members $78 (US$), plus shipping. To order by phone please contact ADSC at +1 (469) 359-6000, or you can order online here.